Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jesus and Tinkerbell

Funny photo via One Free Korea via North Korean Economy Watch. This is a little girl wearing an "I love Jesus" shirt while visiting Mangyongdae in Pyongyang. The shirt also reads "Tinkerbell, Trust and Pixie Dust." Someone making t-shirts in China has a good sense of humor.

Good that the person who took the photo had the sense to block out the girl's face as she (and maybe the guy behind her) could have surely been dead by now had a North Korean authority seen this.

You'll notice the title of this category. I think it's getting to the point where it's relevant to speculate on such theories and I'll try to do some of that going forward. I'll probably take an irreverent tone and focus when I do so. That's my style to begin with, but I think in this case the more irreverent, the more truthful and interesting.

I haven't met any North Koreans aware of, but I think I've lived in South Korea long enough to have some grasp on what might happen should people from the North begin arriving in the South in droves. What strikes me about the above photo is that the girl's skin is very dark. She will be easily identified as a North Korean, or at least a person from the countryside, which, is first and foremost what North Koreans would be in South Korea.

The man behind her also looks like someone from the countryside. I like his grin, but again, and I might be reading a bit too much into this since I know where the photo emanates from, he looks a bit unassuming, which will also be a major theme of a united Korea. With nearly half a century of a western-style economy under their belts, South Koreans are fairly savvy when it comes to money. North Koreans are anything but.

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